TRAVERSE Global v11.1
Copy Account Balances
Use the Copy Account Balances function to copy the actual, budget, or forecast balances of a range of accounts to their budget or forecast balances. You can copy within the same year or from one year to another.
- Use the Data Filter to select the range of segments to include or leave the data filter option blank to include all segments.
- Select the year from which to copy account balances from the Copy Account Balances From field.
- Select the year to which to copy account balances from the Copy Account Balances To field.
- Select the Copy Account Balances From. This is the account from which to copy account balances. The selection choices will be the actual balance for the year in the From field in the copy account balances section and any budgets and forecasts set up in the Account Budgets and Forecasts function.
- Select the account balance to which to copy account balances from the Copy Account Balances To field. The selection choices will be limited to the budgets and forecasts you set up using the Account Budgets and Forecasts function.
- Enter a positive or negative percent change value to adjust the balances as they are copied in the Percent Change field. For example, enter 3 to increase the copied account by 3 percent.
- Enter any Comments about the copy. You can view these in the Activity screen.
- Click a command button to
Click | To |
OK | Begin copying the account balances. |
Activity | Open the Activity Log dialog box where you can view information about previous copy actions. |
Reset | Set all fields to their default values. |