TRAVERSE Global v11.1


Constraints prevent the user from creating a configuration that is not available, or ensure that if the user creates a configuration, requirements are met, such as limiting the number of fish in a tank depending on the size of the tank, forcing a certain shipping method if the configured product is beyond a particular weight or size. You can also use constraints to change information based on situations that indicate something is awry.

NOTE: Do not confuse these constraints with the "rules" defined in the configuration.

To create a constraint:

  1. Click the Append button () to create a blank record.
  2. The Sequence number is generated by the system, and determines the order in which constraints are applied. You can change the sequence number to change the order.
  3. Enter a Category for the constraint. This is a free-form text entry, and not related to the configuration categories.
  4. Enter a Description for the constraint.
  5. Build a When Condition by clicking the Build button to open a dialog box where you can build or edit the logic statement. The dialog box allows you to build a logic statement in the same manner as the Data Filter in Interactive Views. Create a condition to test against. This condition determines whether the value the user enters is allowed or not.

  6. Select the Type of constraint you want to build:
    • Message: Presents a warning message to the user, but not force any action.
    • Required: Will not let the user continue with existing selections unless the requirement is met. Will force the requirement of another field.
    • Remove: Will remove a question from the configuration based on criteria.
  7. Use the Build button for the What field to create an action for the constraint to take when the condition is affected.
  8. Enter Message Text to display to user when the constraint is affected.
  9. If applicable, select the date range during which the constraint will be active in the Active From and Thru fields.
  10. Close the Constraints window to save the constraints and return to the configuration maintenance screen.