TRAVERSE Global v11.1

Edit Transactions

Use the Edit Transactions function to change unposted transactions that have been written to the GL Journal. You can change any field except the source code (SC). Because you cannot edit entries that have been posted, only unposted entries appear. In addition, only transactions associated with the current fiscal year appear. To edit transactions from a different fiscal year, change the fiscal year using the Change Fiscal Year function on the Periodic Processing menu.

  1. Select the range of filter criteria for the transactions to include on the screen. Click the Apply Filter button to apply the filter and display the filtered data.
  2. Select the Account ID for the transaction you want to edit., or edit the account ID, if necessary and allowed.
  3. For debit transactions, the debit amount appears in the Debit Amt box. Edit it if necessary.
  4. For credit transactions, the credit amount appears in the Credit Amt box. Edit it if necessary.
  5. The transaction’s Description appears. Edit it if necessary.
  6. A reference identifying the transaction’s origin appears in the Reference box. Edit it if necessary and allowed

    If the transaction originated in General Ledger, the reference you entered using the Transactions function appears. If the transaction originated in a different application, the reference depends on the options you set up in that application. For example, if Accounts Payable is not using Post Detail to General Ledger, AP appears. If Accounts Payable is using Post Detail to General Ledger, a more detailed entry appears.

  7. The transaction date appears in the Date box. Edit it if necessary.
  8. Select the A box to allocate the transaction when it is posted; otherwise, clear the box. If you select the box and there is no allocation record for the account, a warning message appears.
  9. Select the C box if the transaction is to be included in the Cash Flow Statement; clear the box if the transaction is not to be included in the Cash Flow statement (for example, in the case of a correcting entry.)

    Clear the box only if you are sure that the transaction is not a cash-flow transaction. Incorrect entries can result in an erroneous Cash Flow Statement.

    To create a transaction to reverse another unposted transaction, use the Reverse button in the menu bar. This will create a transaction reversing the highlighted transaction.

  10. The total debits and credits and balance debits and credits appear in the boxes at the bottom of the screen. If the transactions have a credit balance, zeros appear in the Balance Debits box and vice versa.

    Continue editing transactions until the balance is zero. To split the offsetting balance between two or more accounts, edit the necessary additional transactions to bring the balance to zero if necessary/allowed.

  11. Click the Save button to save your changes and return to the main menu. If you close the function before you balance the transactions, the Out of Balance dialog box appears.