TRAVERSE Global v11.1

Lot Numbers

Use the Lot Numbers function to view and add lot numbers for specific items in locations or to edit the Initial Date, Vendor ID, Comment, Expires, and Status values for lots.

  1. To add a lot number to an item, click the New button on the toolbar.
  2. Select the Item ID from the drop-down list. Only lotted type items will appear in the list.
  3. Select the Location ID where the lot number is located, or where you want to add the lot number.3
  4. Enter the new Lot Number, or for existing lots, the Lot Number is displayed
  5. Change the Status of the lot, as necessary.
  6. Enter or edit the Initial Date, Vendor ID, Comment, and Expires fields as necessary.
  7. Click the Save button, on the toolbar, to save any changes made to the lot numbers.