TRAVERSE Global v11.1

Copy Earning Codes

When you set up earning codes, you can use the Copy To dialog box to copy the earning codes to groups of employees. The Copy Earning Codes function copies the selected earning code to the valid earning codes list for the employee(s) and selection criteria you specify.

On the Earning Codes maintenance screen, click the Copy To button on the toolbar to open the Copy Earning Codes dialog box.

  1. Select the range of Employee IDs to copy the selected earning code to. Leave the From and Thru blank to copy the earning code to all employees.
  2. Select the range of Department IDs to copy the earning code to. Leave the From and Thru blank to copy the earning code to employees in all departments.
  3. Select the range of Labor Classes to copy the earning code to. Leave the From and Thru blank to copy the earning code to employees for all labor classes.
  4. Select the range of Group Codes to copy the earning code to. Leave the From and Thru blank to copy the earning code to employees for all group codes.
  5. Click OK to copy the codes and return to the Earning Codes maintenance screen.