TRAVERSE Global v11.1

Employer Tax Report

Use the Employer Tax Report to review your company's liability for taxes (OASDI, Medicare, SUI, FUTA) based on taxable earnings for the current pay period and to compare total wages earned by employees to earnings subject to employer taxes (OASDI, Medicare, SUI, and FUTA), along with the limits and wages in excess of the limit.

The liability shown on this report is calculated by multiplying the report totals by the tax percentages. Report totals match the totals posted to the General Ledger.

Note: If federal, state, or local tax authorities require you to deposit payroll taxes for each pay period, use this report for the deposit amount. If you are required to deposit at the end of the quarter, produce the Employer Tax Report on the Quarter/Year-End Reports menu to determine the amount of the deposit.

  1. Select the type of earnings to include in the report from the View Earnings section.
  2. Click a command button to
  3. Select To
    Print Print the Employer Tax Report using the selected criteria.
    Output Output the report as a PDF.
    Send Save the report as a PDF and attach it to an email using your default mail program.
    Preview Preview the Employer Tax Report using the selected criteria.
    Reset Reset all fields and lists to their default selections.