Statement Contents

Use the Statement Contents function to specify the type of information to include in each row of the financial statement. General Ledger contains several statement contents that you can use or modify for your financial statements, but keep in mind that statement contents are highly dependent on the account structure you use for your accounts. While the statement contents provided with Traverse work with sample data, you may need to modify them to work with your live data.

Creating Statement Contents

  1. The first content ID is displayed by default. Click the New button on the toolbar to open a blank statement contents record.
  2. To copy statement content information from a similar record for a new statement content, select the existing statement content from the Copy From field. If you are using one of the existing contents as a template it is recommended that you make a new contend ID and copy from the existing content you wish to use as a template. Edit the new content ID so the template stays as it is for future use, or if you need to delete the new content and start over.
  3. Enter the Name of the statement content in the field adjacent to the ID field.
  4. Select the ID of the company whose account mask you are using for the content from the Use Account Mask for Company ID field. You can use this same statement content ID for other companies on your system if they have the same account mask
  5. Enter a sequence number in the Seq No field.
    Note: If you do not enter a sequence number, line numbers 10, 20, 30, and so on are entered for you. If you need to add a line between existing lines, enter a line number that is between the lines. For example, to insert a line between lines 10 and 20, enter a sequence number from 11 to 19.
  6. Select the row type from the Type field.
  7. Enter a description in the Description field. The description is printed on the statement. The availability of this field is dependent upon the row type.
  8. Enter, if you selected CL or CR in the Type field, the number of characters to shift the column left or right.
    Note: This entry shifts numbers only. It does not shift the account ID and description. Columns are shifted only if the statement allows it. See Build Statements for more information.
  9. Select the result of the row on the total accumulators for totals 1-9.
  10. Enter To
    + Increase the row total.
    - Decrease the row total.
    0 Zero out the row total.
    <blank> Take no effect on the totals.
  11. Click the Detail button, if necessary, to specify the selected row's information or to enter information about new rows.
  12. Click the Save button, on the toolbar, to save the new statement content.

Statement Contents Detail screen

Depending on the fields you selected via the Column Chooser, the same fields in the Detail screen may already appear on the Statement Contents screen.

  1. If you selected AD, AS, BB, BD, BS, ED, or ES in the Type field, select the criterion for the row:
    • Account ID: Account ID
    • Account Type ID: Account Type
    • Account Class ID: Account Class
    • Seg1–7: segments 1 through 7, depending on the number of account segments you are using.
    • Balance Type: debit accounts or credit accounts
    • Currency ID: accounts with a specific currency
    • Status: accounts with one of the statuses Active, Inactive or Discontinued
    • Description: the account description or part of the description

    Select the range of values, depending on the selected criterion.

    • If you select Acct for the criterion, the available range is account IDs sorted by segments. For example, 1000-200-10 to 3000-200-10 selects account IDs where segment 1 is between 1000 and 3000, segment 2 is 200 and segment 3 is 10.
    • If you select Type for the criterion, the available range is account type IDs. This will bring ALL accounts with the selected account type. You will have no option to limit by any segment numbers.
    • If you select Class for the criterion, the available range is account classes. This will bring ALL accounts with the selected account class. You will have no option to limit by any segment numbers.
    • If you select Seg1–7 for the criterion, the available range is segment values. This will bring ALL accounts with the selected segment number. You will have no option to limit by any other segment numbers.

    When putting in the filter criteria values using the Acct selection, each segment is looked at independently from the other segments. For example if you have divisions 00 through 02 and departments 000 through 005. If your first cash account is 01-001-1000, but you have other accounts in division 00 and department 000 you must put 00-000-1000 to get the accounts in division 00 and department 000 to be included in your statement.

  2. Select whether to print debit, credit, or both account types from the Print Debits, Credits, or Both field.
  3. Select the company ID whose balances you want to print from the Company ID field; otherwise, leave the field blank. If you are using this content for multiple companies and you want the row to print for all companies, you MUST leave this field blank to bring information from other companies. This field is almost always left blank.
  4. To indent the row, enter the number of spaces in the Description Tab field. To refrain from indenting the row, enter 0 or leave the field blank.

    For example, if you have your section headings left justified to the left margin and you want your account descriptions to be indented 2 spaces you would enter 2 here. Then if you wanted your total lines indented 2 more spaces you would enter 4 here.

  5. When the row type is CL or CR, enter the # of Characters To Shift the row left or right.

    This entry shifts numbers only. It does not shift the account ID and description. Columns are shifted only if the statement allows it.

  6. Enter the number of blank lines to print after the row in the Extra Blank Lines field. If you do not want a blank line, enter 0 or leave the field blank.
  7. Mark the Print Row check box to print the selected row; otherwise, clear the check box.
  8. Normally a negative sign is printed for all credit balances regardless of whether the account is a debit or credit account. Mark the Reverse Sign to Print check box, if applicable, if the accounts in the row are normally credit accounts so a negative sign is printed for any debit balances. Leave the check box blank if this row holds debit balances.
  9. Mark the Print Currency Symbol check box, if applicable, to print the currency symbols with the amounts. The currency symbol must also be included in the mask defined in the statement layout for the symbol to print when the box is checked.
  10. Mark the Page Break After check box to place a page break after the row. This will put the next row on a new page.
  11. Select the Action on Totals of the row on the total accumulators
    • + -- if the row increases the total
    • - -- if the row decreases the total
    • 0 -- if the row zeros out the total
    • Blank -- if the row has no effect on the total
  12. Close the Statement Contents - Detail screen to save any changes and return to the Statement Contents screen.

Editing Statement Contents

  1. Select a statement contents record to edit from the ID field.
  2. Edit the fields as necessary. If you are entering a new line, use the Add Record button () at the bottom of the screen. If you are deleting a line, use the Delete button () at the bottom of the screen.
  3. Click the Save button, on the toolbar, to save any changes made to the statement content record.

Deleting Statement Contents

  1. Select the statement content record to delete from the ID field. You cannot delete a content ID that is currently being used in a statement.
  2. Click the Delete button, on the toolbar, to delete the selected statement content record.
  3. Click Yes at the "Are you sure you want to delete selected record(s)?" prompt.

Produce a Statements List

Use the Statements List function to produce a list of defined statements.

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