Traverse Standard v11.0
Print Time Inserts
If you want the Heading or Footer to change each time you print a statement, you can either manually change the Statements Heading or Footer or use Print Time Inserts to have the system do this for you. For example, when you print income statements for several companies, enter *CONA as the Heading to insert the company name for which you are printing the statement. Another example is when you print income statements with multiple period comparisons and you want the period ending date to print in the column heading enter *Pedw to print the period ending date like: Jan 31, 2015.
Click and drag a print time insert into the Heading or Footer sections to print.
The table below lists the available print-time inserts.
Insert | Example | |
*SDFS | Statement Data Filter String | [Department]<>'Warehouse' |
*COID | Company ID | H |
*CONA | Company Name | Builders Supply |
*SCID | Statement Content | IDBAL1 |
*PERN | Period Number | 11 |
*Pbdm | Period Beginning Date - Military | 1 Nov 2015 |
*PBDM | Period Beginning Date - Military | 1 NOV 2015 |
*Pbdw | Period Beginning Date - Words | Nov 1, 2015 |
*PBDW | Period Beginning Date - Words | NOV 1, 2015 |
*PBDN | Period Beginning Date - Numeric | 11/01/09 |
*Pedm | Period Ending Date - Military | 30 Nov 2015 |
*PEDM | Period Ending Date - Military | 30 NOV 2015 |
*Pedw | Period Ending Date - Words | Nov 30, 2015 |
*PEDW | Period Ending Date - Words | NOV 30, 2015 |
*PEDN | Period Ending Date - Numbers | 11/30/2015 |
*ASN[1-3] | Accounts Segment Name | Department |