Dashboard Component Overviews

The list of dashboards available is extensive and will grow as OSAS develops more dashboards.

AP Aging Analysis

Use the AP Aging Analysis dashboard to view a chart or grid representation of invoice balances broken down over five aging periods. Lists the total amount of all payables, divided into current due and standard aging periods: Current Due, Balance 31-60, 61-90, 91-120, 121+, Total Due. You can adjust the Workstation Date field parameter and refresh the dashboard to display the analysis using a different starting date.

AP Invoice Analysis

Use the AP Invoice Analysis dashboard to view a chart or grid representation of invoice balances or the number of invoices over four invoice statuses. You can adjust the Amount/Count field parameter and refresh the dashboard to display the analysis for either invoice balances or the number of invoices.

AP Payment History

Use the AP Payment History dashboard to view a chart or grid representation of invoice payments and discounts for the period and also year-to-date. You can adjust the Workstation Date field parameter and refresh the dashboard to display the analysis using a different starting date.

AP Purchase History

Use the AP Purchase History dashboard to view a chart or grid representation of invoice purchases, including freight, tax, and other miscellaneous amounts. You can adjust the Workstation Date field parameter and refresh the dashboard to display the analysis using a different starting date.

AR Aging Analysis

Use the AR Aging Analysis dashboard to view a chart or grid representation of invoice balances broken down over five aging periods. You can adjust the Workstation Date field parameter and refresh the dashboard to display the analysis using a different starting date.

Customer Analysis

Use the Customer Analysis dashboard to view a chart or grid representation of the number of active customers, past due customers, and total number of customers. You can adjust the Workstation Date field parameter and refresh the dashboard to display the analysis using a different starting date.

AR Payment History

Use the AR Payment History dashboard to view a grid representation of invoice payments and discounts for the period and also year-to-date. You can adjust the Workstation Date field parameter and refresh the dashboard to display the analysis using a different starting date.

AR Sales History

Use the AR Sales History dashboard to view a chart or grid representation of invoice sales, returns, taxes, and other miscellaneous amounts for the period and also year-to-date. You can adjust the Workstation Date field parameter and refresh the dashboard to display the analysis using a different starting date.

Cash Flow

Use the Cash Flow dashboard to view a chart or grid representation of cash flow in and out, as well as the ending cash balance for a given week. You can adjust the Workstation Date field parameter and refresh the dashboard to display the analysis using a different starting date.

Cash Receipts

Use the Cash Receipts dashboard to view a chart or grid representation of receipts for cash, checks, credit cards, writeoffs, and other miscellaneous receipts for the day and period. You can adjust the Workstation Date field parameter and refresh the dashboard to display the analysis using a different starting date.

Checks Written

Use the Checks Written dashboard to view a grid representation of check balances for Accounts Payable and Payroll checks in process, written the given day, period-to-date, and year-to-date. You can adjust the Workstation Date field parameter and refresh the dashboard to display the analysis using a different starting date.

Purchase Order Status

Use the Purchase Order Status dashboard to view a chart or grid representation of purchase order balances broken down into five status categories. You can adjust the Workstation Date field parameter and refresh the dashboard to display the analysis using a different starting date.

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Sales Order Status

Use the Sales Order Status dashboard to view a chart or grid representation of sales order balances broken down into eight status categories. You can adjust the Workstation Date field parameter and refresh the dashboard to display the analysis using a different starting date.

Top Customers

Use the Top Customers dashboard to view a chart or grid representation of your top customers and their total sale/profit amounts. You can adjust the Number of Customers field parameter to customize the number of customers to include. You can also adjust whether, when you view the chart, you want to see the Sales or Profit totals from the Sales or Profit field parameter. You can adjust to display the totals for all time, period-to-date, or year-to-date from the Time Frame field parameter. And finally, you can adjust the Workstation Date field parameter and refresh the dashboard to display the analysis using a different starting date.

Top Items

Use the Top Items dashboard to view a chart or grid representation of your top items and their total sale amounts. You can adjust the Number of Items field parameter to customize the number of items to include. You can also adjust to display the totals for all time, period-to-date, or year-to-date from the Time Frame field parameter. And finally, you can adjust the Workstation Date field parameter and refresh the dashboard to display the analysis using a different starting date.

Top Sales Reps

Use the Top Sales Reps dashboard to view a chart or grid representation of your top sales representatives and their total sale/profit amounts. You can adjust the Number of Sales Reps field parameter to customize the number of sales reps to include. You can also adjust whether, when you view the chart, you want to see the Sales or Profit totals from the Sales or Profit field parameter. You can adjust to display the totals for all time, period-to-date, or year-to-date from the Time Frame field parameter. And finally, you can adjust the Workstation Date field parameter and refresh the dashboard to display the analysis using a different starting date.

Top Vendors

Use the Top Vendors dashboard to view a chart or grid representation of your top vendors and their total purchase amounts. You can adjust the Number of Vendors field parameter to a different number to customize the number of vendors to include. You can also adjust to display the totals for all time, period-to-date, or year-to-date from the Time Frame field parameter. And finally, you can adjust the Workstation Date field parameter and refresh the dashboard to display the analysis using a different starting date.

CM Activity

Use the CM Activity dashboard to view a chart representation of the Contacts, Tasks, and Opportunities in New, Closed, Completed, Open, and Overdue statuses. You adjust to display activity for daily, weekly, period-to-date, or year-to-date from the Time Frame field parameter. You can also adjust the User ID field parameter to another Traverse user to view their CM activity. And finally, you can adjust the Workstation Date field parameter and refresh the dashboard to display the analysis using a different starting date.

CM Campaign Profitability

Use the CM Campaign Profitability dashboard to view a chart or grid representation of whether your campaigns justified their costs. he profit is calculated from the cost of the campaign entered into the campaign setup and the total amount of all the activities that have been entered and assigned to the campaign with the sale amount entered into the Value of the activity. The information displayed can show the Cost, Value or Profit from the campaigns set up. You can adjust the Cost, Value, or Profit field parameter to view a campaigns cost, value, or profit information.

CM My Tasks

Use the CM My Tasks dashboard to view a grid representation of the tasks assigned to a specific user. The user defaulted into the selection area will be the user logged into this session of Traverse. You can adjust the User ID field parameter to another Traverse user to view their CM tasks. You can also drill into specific tasks on the My Tasks dashboard.

CM Opportunity Projections

Use the CM Opportunity Projections dashboard to view a chart or grid representation of projected information about opportunities.The dashboard will display opportunities that have not yet been closed and show the expected value of those opportunities based on the Probability Code assigned to the opportunity.

Weighted Value is shown based on the calculation: (Probability% * Opportunity Value)/100.

The dashboard criteria is defaulted to the current user logged into Traverse and workstation date. The User ID may be cleared to view opportunities for all users, or changed to a different valid user to view their opportunities. You can also adjust the Workstation Date field parameter and refresh the dashboard to display the analysis using a different starting date.

PC Project Status

Use the PC Project Status dashboard to view a chart or grid representation of the status of tasks or projects. You can adjust the Hours or Dollars field parameter to sort the information by the number of hours or dollar amount. You can also adjust the Percent Complete field parameter to only view projects with the specified percentage complete. And finally, you can adjust the Project Manager field parameter to only view projects for specific project managers.

The criteria settings for the dashboard are: dollars or hours, Percent Complete minimum, and Project Manager. If your estimates are incorrect, use the Setup and Maintenance Estimates function to enter revised amounts.

MP Order Status

Use the MP Order Status dashboard to view a chart or grid representation of production orders. It displays the percentage of completion for each the releases. The criteria can be set to display a percetage of completion for either Dollars or Hours, or comparing the estimated to actual recorded in Record Production Activity. A Percent Complete minimum can be set to display only orders that are greater than this percentage completed. You can adjust the Hours or Dollars field parameter to sort the information by the number of hours or dollar amount. You can also adjust the Percent Complete field parameter to only view orders with the specified percentage complete. And finally, you can adjust the Planner field parameter to only view orders for specific planners.

MP Production Work Load

Use the MP Production Work Load dashboard to view a chart or grid representation of the production work load for a specific machine group or labor type, and enables the scheduler or foreman to plan the day's or week's activity. You can adjust the Machine Group or Labor Type field parameter to sort the information by machine group or labor type. You can also adjust the Number of Items field parameter to a different number to customize the number of machine groups or labor types to include. The dashboard will display the ID for the machine group or labor type with the number of hours remaining for each on all open production orders that include that machine group or labor type. Similar information can be seen on the Dispatch List, or Dispatch Production screen.

GL Unposted Transactions

Use the GL Unposted Transactions dashboard to view a chart or grid representation of unposted transactions. You can adjust the Amount/Count field parameter and refresh the dashboard to display the amount and number of transactions unposted in the system.


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