
The subjects in this section are aimed toward advanced users.

Complex Partner Setup

The Partners setup function is where you tie a Partner ID to a Customer ID and Ship-To ID to use when generating sales orders from inbound POs. In EDI files, there are two fields that identify the sender:

  • Mail ID: This field represents the entity that is sending the file. Mail ID resolves to a particular customer.

  • EDI Ship to Code: This field resolves to an AR Ship-To ID within the generated SO.

We can identify the trading partner and the AR ship-to ID within the ERP system from these two pieces of information.

Identifying the trading partner and the customer are mandatory. Without that information, the system cannot resolve the ship-to address if the sender did not include that information in the EDI file.

In a simple partner setup process, a partner ID resolves to a single customer. In a complex partner setup, are multiple mail IDs that all resolve to a single customer within the ERP system. Occasionally, EDI files will have the same mail IDs, but based on another piece of information within the file, such as the ship-to information, the sender is a different customer within the ERP system. This means one partner ID within the system can represent multiple customers.

Go to EDI Connector > Setup and Maintenance > Partners

  1. Create a new record.

  2. Enter a Partner ID.

  3. On the General tab, fill in the trading partner’s name and contact information in the appropriate fields.

  4. In the Customer ID drop-down list, select the customer associated with the partner ID.

    NOTE: If more than one customer ID is associated with this trading partner, the customer ID you select here is considered the default customer.

  5. If you want sales orders that are generated for this trading partner to pull inventory from a particular location, select a default inventory Location from the drop-down list. This will override the location on the Customer screen’s Ship To tab. However, the ship-to location selected on the Process Purchase Orders function screen will override this selection.

  6. Enter a Start Date, as necessary.

  7. Mark the Active check box if the trading partner is active; otherwise, clear the check box.

  8. Save your changes.

    The Documents tab is where you tie one or more mail IDs to the partner ID.

    1. Select an EDI document from the Document ID drop-down list. This allows you to set a different mail ID for each document, if necessary.

    2. Enter the partner’s Mail ID associated with the selected document.

    3. Some EDI files have the same mail IDs, but based on another piece of information within the file, such as the ship-to information, the sender is a different customer; one partner ID within the system represents multiple customers. The Mail ID Key Type field specifies the field that will help determine which customer to select; use the Partner Doc Override function to configure multiple mail IDs and/or key type values to associate with a customer ID.

    4. Save your changes.

    5. Open the Partner Cross Reference function.

    Partner Cross Reference

    1. Select a Partner ID from the drop-down list.

    2. EDI Document ID drop-down list will include the document IDs for which a mail ID key type has been set in the Partners setup function. Select a document.

    3. Use the New button to add a blank record. Enter a Mail ID to associate with the partner ID for the selected EDI document, and will help determine the customer ID.

    4. A column matching the key type field will be available. In our example, our key type field is ‘Ship-To Code’, so we have an AR Ship-To ID field/column. Enter or select (depending on the key type) a value to associate with the partner ID for the selected document, and will determine the customer ID.

    5. Select a customer ID in the Customer ID column that the combination of Mail ID and the key type will identify.

    6. Repeat the process for each mail ID and key type combination that identifies a customer.

    7. Save your changes.

    Once you have configured the Partner Doc Override, you can now use the mail ID from the EDI file and, in our example, the EDI ship-to code, to identify the customer ID.

    You may get a validation message about a trading partner not set up or that the system can’t resolve the trading partner. This means the partner doc override wasn’t set up correctly; a new combination of mail ID and key type (in our example, ship-to code) came in and the system doesn’t know what customer to associate it with.