Setting Up Company-Specific SUI

If you have multiple companies set up in Traverse and they are each using the Payroll module, and each company has a different SUI rate, you will need to set up company-specific SUI rates. By default, Traverse sets the SUI rate at the maximum percentage for each state. You will need to manually change the percentage rate for each company.

To have different rates for different companies, you can do the following steps:

  1. Make sure you know the tax rate for each company before you begin.
  2. Beginning with the first company, select Formula Tables from the Setup and Maintenance menu.
  3. Select the Show Company Specific Tax Tables check box and add a new formula table patterned after a standard SUI table with two columns, one for 'Percent' and one for 'Limit'. Save your changes when you finish.
    • Use the naming convention PYYCCCSU where YY is the state code and CCC is the three-character company code to which the table is connected.
    • Use decimals, not fractions, when entering percentage rates. For example, if the rate is 1%, enter 1.000. If the rate is ½%, enter 0.500.
    • Selecting the check box saves the new table in the company-specific database, which is where Traverse’s stored procedures look for the percentages and limits to use when calculating SUI.
  4. Clear the Show Company Specific Tax Tables check box and create an identical copy of the table you created in step 3, including the table ID.
  5. The State Unemployment Report looks in the non-company specific ST database to generate the report, rather than the company-specific database. In order for this report to print correctly, you need two copies of the table, one in the company-specific database, one in the ST database.
  6. Select Formulas from the Setup and Maintenance menu and create a new formula for SUI.
    • Use the naming convention PYY__SUI, where YY is the company’s state abbreviation. Note that there are two underscores; this exact syntax must be used, otherwise it will not calculate correctly.
    • Enter the ID of the Formula Table you created in step 3 in the Table ID field. When you calculate checks, Traverse uses the percentage and limit from that table.
    • Leave the Formula section blank. This makes the stored procedure program look at the company-specific SUI table you created in step 3 for the percentages and limits to use in the calculation, but uses the standard SUI calculation that is stored in the ST database.
  7. Switch to the next company and repeat the process for each company in Traverse.


  • Make sure the syntax for the Formula Table ID you make is exactly as listed in step 3 above or it will not calculate correctly.
  • Each company can have a different tax rate; make sure you know what the rate is for each company.
  • When putting in your percentage rates, put them in as whole numbers. For example if your rate is 1% put in 1.0000 and if your rate is ½% put it in as .5000. We multiply the number in the first field in the table by 0.01 in line 6 of the formula.

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