Customer Levels

Use the Customer Levels function to define and describe levels of customers. You can use these levels to assign price adjustments and promotional pricing to individual customers or groups of customers. Examples of customer levels are senior citizens, frequent buyers, and contractors. The system uses customer levels to determine the pricing structure when a sales transaction is recorded.

Creating a Customer Level

  1. Click the New button, on the toolbar, to open a blank customer record.
  2. Enter a new customer level in the Customer Level field.
  3. Enter a description of the new customer level in the Description field.
  4. Close the screen to save your changes.

Editing a Customer Level

  1. Select a customer level to edit from the Customer Level field.
  2. Edit the fields as necessary.
  3. Click the Save button, on the toolbar, to save any changes made to the customer level.

Deleting a Customer Level

  1. Select a customer level to delete from the Customer Level field.
  2. Click the Delete button, on the toolbar, to delete the selected customer level.
  3. Click Yes at the "Are you sure you want to delete selected record(s)?" prompt.