SO Orders - Generate a pick slip and packing list from SO when interfaced with WMS

When you interface SO with WMS, the tasks of picking and packing are transferred to Warehouse Management, where you finish the pick/pack/ship process. However, there are certain circumstances under which you can still complete the pick/pack/ship process in SO Orders.

SO is not interfaced with WMS

If SO is not interfaced with WM, you can print a pick slip from the Print button (online pick slip) in SO Orders as usual; you can perform the pick/pack/ship process through SO (high-level view):

  1. Use the Print button to print an online picking slip.
  2. Pick items.
  3. Print online packing list using the Print button.
  4. Click the Verify button, which completes the shipping process by removing the items from inventory and filling the Shipped Qty fields for the SO.

SO and WMS are interfaced

If SO and WM are interfaced, the only times you can print a picking slip from SO Orders is when:

  • All of the line items on the SO have NOT been released yet. Meaning, no line items on the SO have been released yet. This allows the pick/pack/ship (verify) process to be completed entirely through SO.
  • At least one of the line items on the SO has been released to WM but not picked (not added to a picklist in WM). If you released only one/some of the line items to WM but they are not on a picklist, printing an online pick slip from SO Orders will unrelease the items and SO will take over the pick/pack/ship process completely, without involving WM at all.
  • As long as the items on the SO have been released, but not yet picked, you can print the picking slip from SO after you respond to the notification message, “One or more line items have been released to WM. Records will be unreleased. Do you want to continue?” If you select 'Yes' for this notification, the released items will be unreleased in WM application automatically, and you can proceed with the pick/pack/ship process in SO.

You cannot print the picking slip from SO Orders if at least one of the line items has been released to WM and picked already; you must finish the pick/pack/ship process through WM.