Service Director Link to Project Costing

Users are able to link a Work Orders and Service Orders to Project Costing Projects and bill activities in either Service Director or Project Costing. After posting in Service Director, activities are displayed in Project Costing.

When a project is referenced in a Service Director Work Order or Service Order, the activity on the order will be passed into the linked project as activities. Optionally, the service work can be passed without billing in Service Director so that the billing will be handled as part of project billing.

The billing work flow can be chosen per work order. It cannot be changed once any transactions have been posted for the work order.

Bill via Service Director

  • Default work flow
  • Billing is generated from SD, billable depends on work order/dispatch
  • PC activities are generated while posting SD work order
  • Status of generated PC activity is end-of-cycle status per type of project/task
  • Generated PC activities are for reporting purpose only; no action can be taken on PC side

Bill via Project Costing

  • Billing is generated from PC, billable depends on project/task
  • No billing is generated from SD
  • PC activities are generated while posting SD work order
  • Status of generated PC activity is Posted
  • Generated PC activities are processed in PC per type of project/task

Note: In these examples, Projects are set up as Billable.