Work Type Codes

Use the Work Type Codes function to set up work type codes. A work type represents the type of work performed by a technician, similar to a work center in a shop. Each work type code may have a standard labor cost rate or schedule.

You can also assign a schedule to a Work Type/Location/Line that is different than the work type schedule. If you set a schedule ID for a work type's location and/or line, the scheduling engine will use the location/line schedule rather than the work type schedule.

In addition, you can assign a schedule adjustment to the Work Type/Location/Line. A Work Type Location/Line adjustment allows you to increase or decrease the work type location/line capacity on a particular schedule ID by hours or percent. Because you enter an adjustment for a particular Work Type/Location/Line for a selected schedule, you can apply a different adjustment amount to different Location(s)/Line(s). For example, a work type location/line could have a different capacity on a day shift versus a night shift. Another example could be a work type location may have multiple lines with each line having a different capacity.

Creating a Work Type Code

  1. Click the New button, on the toolbar, to open a blank work type code record.
  2. Enter a new code in the Work Type Code field.
  3. Enter a description of the new code in the Description field.
  4. If the work type has a standard labor cost rate, enter a rate in the Standard Labor Cost Rate field.
  5. If you want the work type code and description to print on the job cards, mark the Print Job Cards check box; otherwise, clear the check box.
  6. If the work type has a particular schedule, select the schedule from the Schedule ID column drop-down list.
  7. To add a Location/Line schedule and/or capacity adjustment:
    • Click on the plus sign beside the work type to expand the detail record(s) for the work type.
    • Select a Location ID from the drop-down list. A location ID is required.
    • Enter a Line Number, if applicable. The line number is not required.
    • Enter a Description of the location/line.
    • Select a Schedule ID for the location/line. The Schedule ID is required.
    • Select an Adjust Type from the drop-down list, if applicable.
    • Select the scale for the adjustment in the Adjust Scale column, if applicable. You can adjust by percent or hours.
    • Enter an Adjust Amount by which to increase or reduce the work type capacity as applicable.
  8. Click the Save button, on the toolbar, to save the new work type code.

Editing a Work Type Code

  1. Select a code to edit from the Work Type Code field.
  2. Edit the fields as necessary.
  3. Click the Save button, on the toolbar, to save any changes made to the work type code.

Deleting a Work Type Code

  1. Select a code to delete from the Work Type Code field.
  2. Click the Delete button, on the toolbar, to delete the selected work type code.
  3. Click Yes at the "Are you sure you want to delete selected record(s)?" prompt.