Time Clock Journal

Use the Time Clock Journal to calculate and view employee hours. Print the journal before you post transactions to verify your entries and as part of your audit trail.

  1. Use the Data Filter to select the range of filtering options or leave the filter blank to include all available data.
  2. Select the departments to include in the journal from the Department List section. You can use the All button to select all departments or you can use the None button to deselect all departments.
  3. Mark the Page Break By Employee check box to start a new page with each employee.
  4. Click a command button to

  5. Click To
    Print Process the Time Clock Journal.
    Output Output the journal as a PDF.
    Send Save the journal as a PDF and attach it to an email using your default mail program.
    Preview View a preview of the Time Clock Journal.
    Reset Set all fields to their default values.