Job State

Use the Job State button on the toolbar to change the status of the job.

Click the Job State button to open the Job State pop-up window. Select a status for the job from the State drop-down list, then click the Update button.

The options available in the State drop-down list will vary depending on the current job status of the transaction:

If the Job State is the State drop-down list will show
Open Put Job on Hold
Closed Open Job
On Hold Release Job
  • If you select Put Job on Hold, the Job State will be set to On Hold, and no new Material Charges or Time Clock entries will be allowed.
  • If you select Open Job or Release Job, the Job State will be set to Open.

NOTE: Once you close a job in the Job Transactions function, you cannot open that job (change the job state to 'Open') using the Job State button on the toolbar. You must use the Re-open Closed Jobs function on the Periodic Processing menu to re-open a job.