Work Type Sequence Numbers

In Job Transactions, as well as Job Type Codes maintenance, you have the ability to put the same WT on a schedule more than once. You also have the ability to put a work type on hold until another work type is completed (Hold Until WT).

When you do so, the system needs a way to determine which is the correct pre-requisite to schedule, which work type to complete from the time clock, and which Hold Until WT to use.

To determine which work type to select, the job type schedule and the job transaction schedule has a column that holds a consecutive sequence number that helps the system know which Work Types will go first, second, etc…


For example:

A job requires 2 work types be performed more than once: Assembly and Cleaning.


The Work Types used: Assembly, Clean Parts, Paint


WT: Assembly, Sequence: 1, Prerequisite: null

WT: Clean Parts, Sequence: 1, Prerequisite: Assembly - 1

WT: Paint, Sequence: 1, Prerequisite: Clean Parts - 1

WT: Clean Parts, Sequence: 2, Prerequisite: Paint - 1

WT: Assembly, Sequence: 2, Prerequisite: Clean Parts - 2


You can add one work type multiple times and define pre-requisites for each consecutive occurrence of that work type. You can also define a Hold Until WT for each consecutive work type occurrence.

When clocking out of repeated work types, you will be prompted for the work type and sequence to complete.