Move Quantities

Use the Move Quantities function to move items from one place to another within the warehouse. If you need to move items from one warehouse to another, use the Location Transfers function.

The Traverse Inventory application tracks item movement to and from the warehouse, but generally has little to do with tracking item movement from location to location within the warehouse. However, this type of location information is vital when you are filling and receiving orders quickly.

Warehouse Management helps you locate and track item movement within the warehouse. You can move a single item from one spot to another, or you can move all items in entire bins or containers. When you move a bin or container, Warehouse Management automatically updates the bin and container information for all items it contains.

Note: Use the Lot Number Behavior business rule to determine whether the user can change the lot number during the transfer.

The movement information you enter in this function is stored in a temporary table. After entering the information and checking for errors, click the Write button on the Move Quantities screen to write the new information to item records.

  1. To begin a new item movement, use the New button to create a blank record, or select an existing record to edit.
  2. Select how to move the items from the Move By field, by either Item ID or Container.
  3. If applicable, select the item or container you want to move from the Item ID/Container field.
  4. Select the IN location within which the move is taking place in the Location ID field.
  5. Select a Lot Number for the items, if applicable.
  6. Select the source bin from the Bin From field.
  7. Select the destination bin from the Bin To field
  8. If applicable, select the source container from the Container From field.
  9. As applicable, select the destination container from the Container Tofield.
  10. Enter the quantity to move in the Qty field.
  11. Select the unit of measure for the item or container from the Unit field.
  12. Click a command button to
  13. Select To
    Serial Number Assign, if applicable, to move an item with a specific serial number.
    Write Update item records with the item movement information. After you click Write, item movement records are removed from the temporary storage table and a message appears when the write process completes successfully.
    Report Generate a report of the movement information to check for errors before writing information to item records.