Move Container

The Traverse Inventory application tracks item movement to and from the warehouse, but generally has little to do with tracking item movement from bin/container to bin/container within the warehouse. However, this type of bin/container information is vital when you are filling and receiving orders quickly. Warehouse Management helps you locate and track item movement within the warehouse.

Containers are within bins. You can have a bin without a container, but you cannot have a container outside of a bin.

Containers are unique within a company because you can move containers across IN locations. You cannot have a container with the same ID within multiple bins. That is, you cannot have Container c1 in Bin A and Bin B. Only one of these bins can hold Container c1.

You can move a container and all of its contents from one bin into another bin using the Move Container function.

To move a container:

  1. Scan or enter the originating Bin From from which you are moving the container.
  2. Scan or enter the Container From which you are moving. This is the container you are moving out of the source bin.
  3. Scan or enter the destination Bin To into which you are moving the container. The contents of the container will appear in the grid.
  4. Tap Confirm to complete the process.

Use the Clear button to clear the fields. Use the Menu button to return to the menu.