Cloud Print

Use the Cloud Print function to print the reports from a hosted environment.

  1. Select the available printers from the Printer Name field. It list all the available printers in the cloud environment.

    Note: All the available printers are displayed with their machine and printer names in the format <Machine name>\<Printer name>. The Workstation Name configured in the SM User Defaults screen will be displayed as the default machine name with the printer name in the Printer Name field. The workstation and printer names will be displayed only in the Reports, Interactive Views, and Labels screens. In other screens, only the printer names will be displayed.

  2. Select to print the report in portrait or landscape orientation from Orientation field.

  3. Enter the number of copies in the number of copies field.

  4. Select the page range in the page range section.

  5. Click the Print button to print your report. The print job will be sent to the selected workstation.