Traverse Global v11.2
Human Resources
The Human Resources (HR) application helps you track people or businesses using data already present within Traverse. You can use HR's functions to set and maintain information about your employees, such as benefits, payroll information, and regulatory information. You can also use the reporting tools to view employee information such as education, skills, benefits, training, insurance status, and other information.
Human Resources can also be used to track information about 3rd party contractors and other individuals that interact with your business. This can be beneficial in managing the required training and certifications required for tasks in a variety of industries. The interaction with Payroll and System Employees is a small part of the supported functionality.
It integrates with the Employee information at the system level and optionally within the Payroll application to record and edit Employee Information.
For the Human Resources application to function properly, the ST database must be set up using the Server Manager. This database must exist regardless of whether you have Payroll installed or not. See the Administrator Guide for details on setting up the ST database.

Follow the steps in the checklist below to set up your system:
____ Verify your current build number to see if you have all service packs installed.
____ Plan the implementation schedule.
____ Set up Human Resources Business Rules.
____ Set up Earning Types.
____ Set up Earning Codes.
____ Set up Tax Authorities.
___ Federal
___ State
___ Local
____ Set up Departments.
____ Set up Labor Classes.
____ Set up Job Titles
____ Set up Processes
____ Set up Positions
____ Set up Review Types
____ Set up Tests
____ Set up Property Codes
____ Set up Attributes
____ Set up Health Plans
____ Set up Life Insurance Plans
____ Set up Leave Plans
____ Set up Retirement Plans
____ Set up Type Codes
____ Set up Individuals:
___ Set up General information.
___ Set up Process information
___ Set up Salary information.
___ Set up Position information.
___ Set up Skills/Tests information.
___ Set up Degree information.
___ Set up Licenses information.
___ Set up Training information.
___ Set up Attributes information.
___ Set up FMLA information.
___ Set up Property information.
___ Set up Health Insurance information.
___ Set up Life Insurance information.
___ Set up Retirement information.
___ Set up Tax information.
___ Set up Direct Deposit information.
___ Set up Dependents information.
____ Use the Employee Interface Maintenance function to indicate the fields that should be updated between HR and PA.
____ Use the Initialize Individuals if you are starting the system with an existing Payroll system already in place. (Use only once)

Gathering Information
First, gather and organize your Payroll information. You will need the following information:
- A list of individuals and their payroll and Human Resources records.
- A copy of your payroll department procedures.
- Federal, state, and local tax publications.
- A Chart of Accounts for your business.
- A list of the “other” pay types you use (bonuses, tips, etc.).
- A list of Job Titles, Processes, Positions, Health Plans, Life Insurance Plans, Retirement Plans, Property Codes and any other information pertaining to your individual employees.
Defining the System
To set up the Human Resources system, follow these steps:
- Use the Business Rules function to define how you want the system to work.
- Define the IDs and codes you plan to use.
- Use the Individuals function to set up your employees.
Setting up IDs and Codes
IDs and codes tell the system how to identify each individual item in a file. The system uses these identifiers to organize information.
- Individual ID -- You must assign an ID to each of your company’s individuals. Most functions require that you specify an individual ID. Refer to the Individuals function for details.
- Labor Classes -- Labor Classes can be used to group individuals together according to their primary job responsibilities.
- Federal, State, and Local Taxes -- Use the Tax Authorities Setup functions to set up and maintain tax authorities and tax codes.
- Earning Codes and Earning Types -- Earning Codes can be assigned to individuals to enter time tickets for wage calculation in Payroll. Earning Types are assigned to earning codes as a way of classifying pay.
- Leave Codes -- Leave Codes are used to define sick and vacation time accrual rates.
- Type Codes -- Use the Type Codes maintenance function to set up codes to describe such attributes as ethnicity, gender, marital status, veteran status, and other codes.
- Job Titles -- Job Titles are used by a number of reports, including the Longevity Report. They also are fed to Traverse Payroll. The first step is to set up the job categories in the Type Codes maintenance screen on the Setup and Maintenance menu. Select Job Category from the Table Code drop-down list.
- Processes -- The Processes function allows you to set up any number of new processes with checklist items and Individuals responsible for each item. The first step is to set up the process checklist items. This is done on the Type Codes maintenance screen from Setup and Maintenance by selecting Process Checklist from the Table Code drop-down list.
- Positions -- The Positions function and reports allow you to set up positions within your company. Positions are established within departments and work locations and are assigned to individuals, who inherit certain Payroll and organizational data from the assignment, such as department, work location, manager, worker compensation code, job title and job category. If a supervisor leaves and a new employee assigned to that position, there is no need to go and update all of the people under that supervisor, as it will be updated through the positions screen.
- Review Types -- The Traverse HR application allows you the flexibility to set up a number of Review Types, each with their own evaluation criteria and review cycles.
- Tests -- Standard Tests can be set up and then maintained on each individual.
- Property Codes -- The Property Code maintenance screen and report allow you to track company property (keys, cell phones, laptops, etc.), as they are assigned to an individual.
- Attributes -- Attributes are found on the Attributes tab in the Individual Maintenance screen. You must first set up the Attribute Groups in the Type Codes function, then you may set up the attributes. There can be multiple attributes for each Attribute Group.
- Health Plans, Life Insurance Plans, and Retirement Plans -- There are three Benefit Plan types: Life Insurance, Retirement Plans, and Health Insurance. After you have set up the benefit type in Type Code Maintenance, there are two steps that must be followed to set up a new plan before an employee can be enrolled:
- The company providing the plan (life insurance carrier, health insurance carrier, or retirement plan trustee) must be set up in the Type Codes function.
- The plan details (group number, deduction frequency, waiting period/minimum age, etc.) must be set up.
- Leave Plans -- Leave Plans are used in the Positions maintenance screen. Leave Plan balances are only accumulated in Payroll. Traverse HR does not delete, move or update balances. Only the leave code is transferred to Payroll.