Valuation Report

Use the Valuation Report to evaluate the value of inventory items for the current history period or for the year to date. This report summarizes the value of the inventory items on hand as of a history period or the year to date.

The Valuation Report shows the average unit and extended cost in relation to the costing method (FIFO, LIFO, average, or standard), purchases, COGS, COGS adjustments, PPVs, and beginning balances based on these amounts (beginning balance = extended cost - purchases + COGS + COGS adjustment + PPV).

If you choose to use the average or standard costing method, this results in an extended cost, which is the quantity on hand multiplied by the number in the average or standard cost field in the item locations.

  1. Use the Data Filter to select the range of filtering options or leave the filter blank to include all available data.
  2. Select a date or period/year from which to run the report, from the As Of section.

    NOTE: If you are going to try to reconcile this report to your general ledger account value, you must print the report for an “as of date” for a GL period/year. You also must run the report using the print valuation method of FIFO/LIFO.

  3. Select whether to view a detailed or summary view of the valuation report by selecting the appropriate view from the View section.
    Note: If you select to view the valuation report in a detailed view, you can also select to include additional descriptions by selecting the Additional Description check box.
  4. Select the sort criteria for the report from the Sort By section.
  5. Select, if applicable, the Banded Rows check box to highlight alternating lines on the report to make the report easier to read.
    Note: Use the System Manager Print Preferences function to define the default setting for this check box. You can then override this default when you print the journal.
  6. Select the valuation method for the report from the Valuation Method section. If you prefer to audit your inventory value in currencies other than the functional currency, marking the Use Alternate Cost Valuation check box in the Valuation Method will enable capture and processing of an additional cost value in an alternate currency for each item/location. The alternate valuation will not change any of the normal accounting functions.
  7. Method Calculation
    LIFO/FIFO extended cost divided by total quantity on hand
    Average average cost divided by total quantity on hand
    Standard standard cost divided by total quantity on hand
  8. Select the unit of measure to use for the report from the Unit of Measure section.
  9. Select To
    Reporting Get the quantities printed on the report in the unit of measure you selected as the reporting unit of measure on the Unit Defaults tab in the Item setup.
    Base Get the quantities printed on the report in the base unit of measure set up for the items.
  10. Click a command button to

  11. Click To
    Print Process the Valuation Report.
    Output Output the report as a PDF.
    Send Save the report as a PDF and attach it to an email using your default mail program.
    Preview View a preview of the Valuation Report.
    Reset Set all fields to their default values.