Traverse Global v11.2
Shipping Process Overview
This is an overview of the Shipping function and the shipping process.
The Shipping application for Traverse Global will save you time, improve the accuracy of your shipping process, and give you seamless history and tracking information right from Traverse.
With the Traverse Global Shipping application, you can:
- Seamlessly tie FedEx and UPS services with Traverse Global, providing the customer and shipping information already in Traverse Global to UPS WorldShip® or FedEx Ship Manager®.
- Keep shipping-critical information on file, such as whether a customer is in a residential location or uses an alternate address for shipments.
- Easily change necessary shipping order information quickly and easily for each shipment, as circumstances arise.
One-click import takes care of your shipping financial transactions
- The Shipping application pulls tracking numbers and shipping information into Traverse so it is easily accessible by customer.
- Freight cost is automatically calculated and placed into Traverse, all without needing to input any information into UPS WorldShip® or FedEx Ship Manager®.
- If the customer is set up on a prepay and add basis, the shipping cost is added to the billing amount when the order is complete.
The Shipping application includes a new interactive view called Shipping Details View, which allows you to sort information for each shipped order, including tracking numbers, charges, weight, and more.
- Drill down to source information for customers and transactions. Filter information to view shipments sent by each shipping company.
- Need more information from FedEx or UPS? The Shipping Details View provides one-click access to shipment-specific information from the shippers’ web services.
Make sure you have completed all the setup tasks for the shipping integration:

The SO Transactions Orders function has been enhanced to include information that will get exported to UPS WorldShip® or FedEx Ship Manager®, and imported from UPS WorldShip® or FedEx Ship Manager® to Traverse.
To enter a sales order to interface with UPS WorldShip® or FedEx Ship Manager® do the following:
Open the Orders function from the Sales Order Transactions menu.
- To add a new order select the New Record button
- Enter your header and line items information as usual.
- Go to the Ship-To tab to enter information that will be used in UPS WorldShip or FedEx Ship Manager.
- The Ship-To information will automatically be filled in with the general address for the customer. Accept the general address information or select a ship-to ID in the Ship‐To ID combo box. Only the ship‐to ID(s) for that customer appears in the list. If you did not set up a ship‐to address for the customer, leave the field blank.
When you enter a ship‐to ID, a message box appears so that you can choose to assign the tax location from the ship‐to address and recalculate sales tax.
- Select the method you usually use to ship items to this ship‐to address in the Ship Method/Via box. A description appears. Use the AR Shipping Method Codes function to set up these ship codes.
Ship via information is saved with the transaction and prints on invoices.
- The Ship Number will be imported from UPS WorldShip® or FedEx Ship Manager® when the shipment is processed and imported.
- Select the Freight Terms for this order. The valid selections are:
- 3 3rd Party – A 3rd party will be paying for the shipping charges.
- A Prepaid & Add – The shipping charges are prepaid and will be added to the invoice amount using the Freight field on the Totals tab.
- C Collect – The freight charges will be collected at time of delivery.
- P Prepaid – The freight has been prepaid and will not be added to the invoice total.
- R Recipient – The recipient of the shipped package will be billed for the shipping charges.
- Enter the customer’s freight account number into the Freight Acct Number field. This will be brought into UPS WorldShip® or FedEx Ship Manager® when importing order information.
- Mark the Delivery Surcharge check box if the ship-to address has a delivery area surcharge. This box should be checked if the package is delivered to a remote area that requires an extra charge to deliver the package.
- Mark the Residential check box if the delivery is to a residential address.
- Enter or edit the customer’s name, shipping address (Press Ctrl + Enter to start a new line in the Address 2 box), city, region, country, and postal code in the appropriate fields. If necessary, use the SM Country Codes function to set up the postal code input mask.
- The Totals tab has the following information: customer’s prepayment amount, taxable totals, nontaxable totals, and sales tax appear. These amounts are automatically adjusted when a freight and/or miscellaneous charge is entered. To enter any additional charges, perform these steps:
- Enter or edit the shipping charges in the Freight box, if applicable. Freight cost information will be imported from the shipping amount calculated when processing the shipment through UPS WorldShip® or FedEx Ship Manager® and imported into the sales order.
If you selected 'A – Add & Prepay' as the Freight Terms on the Ship-To tab, and processed the order through UPS WorldShip® or FedEx Ship Manager®, the freight cost amount will be filled in automatically.
- Select the Tax Class to apply to the freight charge.
- Enter or edit any miscellaneous charges in the Misc box, if applicable.
- Select the Tax Class to apply to the miscellaneous charge.
- Enter or edit the shipping charges in the Freight box, if applicable. Freight cost information will be imported from the shipping amount calculated when processing the shipment through UPS WorldShip® or FedEx Ship Manager® and imported into the sales order.
- Use the Ship Details tab to view shipping detail information imported from UPS WorldShip® or FedEx Ship Manager®:
- If the order has been posted the Post Run will appear.
- Tracking Number imported from the processed UPS WorldShip® or FedEx Ship Manager® import will be displayed. The tracking number is blue and has drill-down capability with it. Double-click on the tracking number to go to the tracking web site to see where the package is.
- The Actual Weight entered into UPS WorldShip® or FedEx Ship Manager® and imported will be displayed.
- The shipping amount will be filled into the Total Charges field when the order has been processed and imported.

Use the Shipping Detail View to view the information that has been imported from processing shipment orders through UPS WorldShip® or FedEx Ship Manager®.
Open the Shipping Detail View from the Sales Order Interactive Views menu.
- Select the range of filter criteria to include in the view or leave the data filter blank to include all quotes and orders. Click Apply Filter to display data.
- Double-click the blue Transaction Number link to display the transaction detail information.
- Double-click the blue Customer ID link to view customer detail information.
- Double-click the blue ShipNum link to go to the shipment tracking site.
To test the integration, follow the testing instructions here.
Order Processing Steps
Follow these steps to fully process a sales order with the interface to UPS WorldShip® or FedEx Ship Manager®:
- Enter the sales order as you normally would. See the Sales Order topic for details on entering sales orders.
- Enter the shipment information on the Ship-To tab from the instructions above.
- Save the sales order.
- Print the Picking Slip for the sales order.
- Copy the transaction number from the sales order.
- Go to UPS WorldShip® or FedEx Ship Manager®, select Keyed Import on the Import/Export ribbon and 'Traverse2UPS' (UPS WorldShip) or Integration and the 'Traverse' profile (FedEx Ship Manager).
- Paste the transaction number into the Enter import key (UPS) or Lookup (FedEx) dialog box and press Enter on your keyboard/click OK.
- The information from your sales order will be brought into the UPS WorldShip® or FedEx Ship Manager® screen.
- Enter your normal package information and process the shipment.
- In Traverse, in the SO Orders screen, open the order you just processed through UPS WorldShip® or FedEx Ship Manager®. Click Update.
- Click Import Shipping to bring the shipping process information into the sales order.
- Go to the Ship-To tab to verify the tracking number has been brought into the Ship Number field.
- Go to the Totals tab and verify the freight charges have been brought into the sales order.
- Use the Shipping Details tab on the orders screen or the Shipping Details View to see shipment information and track the package for the order.