Setting Up Local Taxes

To create a local tax that is similar to the standard state withholding tax calculations, you need to set up a local withholding tax table prior to writing the formula to calculate the tax.

A city tax is also a local tax, and has some specific considerations. See Working with a City Tax and Writing a City Tax Formula 2.

Create the local table

Open the Formula Tables function on the PA Setup and Maintenance menu.

  1. Select the Show Company Specific Tax Tables check box.
  2. Use the New button on the toolbar to create a new table.
  3. Add a new Table ID for the local tax. The information to put in this table needs to come from your state or locality (city, county, school district, parish). Use the Edit Header button on the toolbar to change the column headings as needed.

  4. Save your changes.

Write the Formula

Open the Formulas function from the PA Setup and Maintenance menu.

  1. Select the New button on the toolbar to create a new formula.
  2. Enter the formula to calculate the local tax. Below is an example of a simple formula that will read a one-field table with a percentage in it.


  3. Save your changes.

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Set up the Local Tax Authority

Open the Tax Authorities function from the Codes Maintenance menu.

  1. Select 'Local' for the Tax Authority.
  2. Select the New button on the toolbar to create a new tax authority.
  3. Select your State Code.
  4. Enter a Local Code and Description.
  5. Create a new record one the Employee tab using the Append button. Enter the appropriate information as necessary.

  6. Save your changes.

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Add the Status Codes for the Local Tax

Open the Status Codes function on the Codes Maintenance menu.

  1. Select 'Local' in the Tax Authority field.
  2. Select the current Payroll Year.
  3. Select the State Code and Local Code.
  4. Select the New button on the toolbar to create new status codes.
  5. Add the Status Code(s) from which your local code needs to pull information for the correct withholding table. If you do not have a tax table, or multiple statuses, then add 'NA' as a status.

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Add the Tax Record to the Employee

Open Employee Information function on the Setup and Maintenance menu.

  1. Select the Employee ID for which to add the local tax, and go to the Taxes tab, then to the Local Taxes tab
  2. Select a Tax Group ID, as applicable.
  3. Use the Append button to add the local code you set up with a status.

  4. Save your changes.

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