
Formulas are calculated line by line. Calculations in a line proceed according to the standard order of mathematical operations: numbers are multiplied, then divided, then added, and finally subtracted.

Below is a table of the valid operations and the order in which they are performed (1 = performed first, 5 = performed last):

Operator Priority Description
- 1 Negative Sign
^ 2 Exponentiation
* 3 Multiplication
/ 3 Division
+ 4 Addition
- 4 Subtraction
= 5 Equal to
<> 5 Not equal to
> 5 Greater than
< 5 Less than
>= 5 Greater than or equal to
<= 5 Less than or equal to

Calculations are performed in the order listed in the table above, from left to right. To change the calculation order, use parentheses to group parts of the formula together. Calculation is done from the innermost set of parentheses to the outermost set.

Using Formula Operation Commands

Formulas are calculated line by line. Calculations in a single line proceed according to the standard order of mathematical operations:

  1. Numbers are multiplied
  2. Numbers are divided
  3. Numbers are added
  4. Numbers are subtracted

Operations are performed in the order above from left to right in the formula line. Calculations in parentheses are performed before all other calculations in the same order as listed earlier.