Traverse Standard v11.0
Setting Up the Formatting
To format numeric data, use these characters:
Character | Description |
# | Represents an optional number (0–9) that is printed only if there is significant value. |
0 | Represents a non optional number (always prints even non-significant zeros; for example, a format of 000.00 would print a zero value as 000.00, and a format of ###.00 would print a zero value as .00). |
. | Represents a decimal point. |
, | Represents a comma. |
You can print signs in five ways, depending on the sign characters you use in the format:
Character | Description |
$ | Prints a currency symbol to the left of the greatest numeric placeholder. To print the currency symbol on the statement, you must also check the “Print Currency Symbol” box in the statement content instructions. |
- | Prints a negative sign next to credit balances in debit accounts and debit balances in credit accounts. You can enter the sign to the left or the right of the number format. |
+ | Prints a negative sign as described above, and print a positive sign next to credit balances in credit accounts and debit balances in debit accounts (left or right). |
( ) | Prints parentheses around debit balances in credit accounts and credit balances in debit accounts. |
CR | Prints the letters CR to the right of credit balances in debit accounts. |
To combine numeric data and signs, use these numeric formats:
Character | Description |
$#,###.00 | Prints a number like 9999.99 with a currency sign to the left: $9,999.99. If the number is a credit in a debit account or a debit in a credit account, print a negative sign to the right. |
+###.00 | Prints a number like +999.99 with a positive sign or a negative sign to the left. |
###.00CR | Prints a number like 999.99 with the letters CR to the right of credits in debit accounts. |
(#,###.00) | Print a number like 9,999.99 (including the comma). If the number is a credit in a debit account or a debit in a credit account, enclose it in parentheses. |