Configuration Maintenance Basic Functionality

Because of the flexibility of the Configurator application, there are a number of options you can use to create a unique configuration. This topic is intended to give you a basic understanding of the Configurator Maintenance screen and its functionality. For more detailed information on how to use the configurator maintenance screen, use the links at the bottom of the Configurator Setup and Maintenance Overview page.

The Configurator maintenance screen has four sections: the tree view, the General section, the Groups section, and the tabs section.

When you create a new configuration, you can mark it as a template. If a configuration is marked as a template, you can use the template when creating new configurations. If you make changes to the template, such as adding groups or fields, you can synchronize those changes to each inspection you created using that template by clicking Sync on the toolbar. Note: Changes will only be synchronized with a configuration in which the Include in Sync check box is marked.

The Config Desc field in the header holds the description of the configuration. This field has a 50-character limit.

Command Buttons on the toolbar:

Select To
Validate Validate all of the configuration setup and display a series of error messages for the more common issues it encounters.
Variables Open the Variables for Configuration window to set up variables.
Constraints Open the Constraints for Configuration window to set up constraints.
Copy Copy configuration information from an existing configuration description.
Expand/Collapse Expand or collapse the branches in the tree view.

The tree view on the left side of the screen displays a quick overall visual of the product configuration question and response process. Click on the plus or minus symbols to expand or collapse individual branches, or use the Expand button on the toolbar to expand all branches, or the Collapse button to collapse all branches.

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