Edit Billings

After you have prepared billings, you can use the Edit Billings function to edit before printing delivery tickets or invoices, as well as print them online.

  • Select the Transaction No for the billing you want to edit from the drop-down list.
  • The Transaction Type and Net Due fields are read-only.
  • Click the Update button to unlock the billing and allow edits.

Command Buttons on the toolbar:

Select To
Rem Credit Open the Credit window, which will display the customer's Credit Limit, Open Invoice Balance, Transaction Balance, and Credit Available.
Update Unlock some fields to allow editing.
Exchange Rate Open the Exchange Rate window, allowing you to select an exchange rate and currency for the billing.
Print Print an online Invoice or Delivery Ticket for the current transaction.
Tax Integration

Tax Integration has two buttons,

  • The Validate Addressbutton is used to verify the address, then the Valid Address checkbox will be unchecked.
  • The Calculate Tax button is used to calculate the tax for the line items.

Tax Detail

The Tax Detail displays the available items, tax location, and tax amount.

  • For Avalara, the summary will be displayed as Avalara Tax Detail and will include an additional column for the TS Tax Code.

  • If it is not Avalara then it will display as Tax Detail and TS Tax Code is not available.
Payments Open the external payment screen. Enter the customer's credit card information as required. See the Payments Button topic for more information. Note that if your SM External Payment Processing Type is set to 'Early' and you add a TPS payment, if the payment is not processed and you create an invoice, that invoice number will be added to the source field in AR Processing Payments instead of staying On Account.

Line Items

The summary grid displays the line items for the selected job number. If applicable, you can append a line item to the billing transaction by selecting a type (Material, Text, or Other) for the line item from the Line Type drop-down list. Appended items will not post back to the transaction detail, but will appear in the billing history records. If you want the appended items to appear in the transaction detail, delete the billing record, add the lines in the Job Transactions screen, and then re-prepare the billings.

To append a line, click the Update button, then use the Append button () to add a line item. If you want to add one or more text line type items, you may use the Additional Description field for multiple text lines.

If you append lines:

  • Text lines only print on the delivery ticket or invoice.
  • Other lines have an editable cost and price associated with them.
  • Material lines can only be for non-stock or service items. Inventory, lotted, or serialized items are not allowed. You can edit the cost and price for these lines.
  • Note: If you append a Material line, or an Other line for which you would like to capture the cost, you will have to enter the correct cost accounts. When posting, a debit entry will be made in the Material COGS account, and a credit entry will be made in the Inventory account.

If you have lines that originated in the Prepare Billings process, you can edit the price in the Edit Billings function.

Use the Re-sequence button to save the ordering of the line items after adjusting the ordering by clicking and dragging the item to a different location in the line item list.

Click the Toggle button () to switch between summary (grid) view and detail (field) view.

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