Print Delivery Tickets

Use the Print Delivery Tickets function to print delivery tickets for billing transactions. The labor, material, and other information printed on the delivery tickets is determined by the values of the printing options selections in the Department screen, except when overridden as listed below.

The Delivery Ticket shows the labor and material information from the estimate, along with additional notes regarding the repair. Information appearing on the delivery ticket can be forwarded straight to the invoice when it is created.

If you used the Job Entry or Edit Billings function to add lines that do not have an item ID or a labor code, these "memo" lines will print after the labor and material lines.

The contact information that appears on the delivery tickets comes from the applicable job transaction header. If there is no contact specified in the job transaction header, the system will use the contact information from the customer record.

Note: You cannot print a delivery ticket for a billing transaction that is on hold.

  1. Complete billing edits via the Edit Billings function, then mark the SR Edit Billings Completed check box.
  2. Mark the Print Prices check box if you want to print the prices on the delivery tickets. This flag will override the department settings for printing labor and material prices. If you clear the Print Prices check box, the department setting will only determine whether the detail lines print or not; the prices will not print, and the footer section with prices will not print.
  3. Mark the Additional Descriptions check box to print any additional descriptions on the delivery tickets.
  4. Select the batch or batches of delivery tickets you would like to print. To select all batches, click the All button. To deselect all batches, click the None button.
  5. Click a command button to
  6. Select To
    Print Print the delivery tickets.
    Output Output the delivery tickets as PDFs.
    Send Save the delivery tickets as PDFs and attach them to an email using your default mail program.
    Preview Preview the delivery tickets.
    Reset Reset all fields and lists to their default selections.