Print Quick Delivery Tickets

Use the Print Quick Delivery Tickets function to print quick delivery tickets for billing transactions.

If the job is on hold, you will receive a notification that the transaction is on hold, but you will still be able to print the delivery ticket.

The information that prints on the Quick Delivery Ticket is determined by the selections you make on the Print Quick Delivery Ticket Screen, but also by the options you selected on the Departments setup screen.

  1. If you want to print detail lines on the Quick Delivery Ticket, mark the Print Detail check box; otherwise, clear the check box.
  2. Mark the Print Prices check box if you want to print extended prices on the Quick Delivery Ticket; otherwise, clear the check box.
  3. Select the batch or batches of delivery tickets you would like to print. To select all batches, click the All button. To deselect all batches, click the None button.
  4. Click a command button to
  5. Select To
    Print Print the quick delivery tickets.
    Output Output the tickets as PDFs.
    Send Save the quick delivery tickets as PDFs and attach them to an email using your default mail program.
    Preview Preview the tickets.
    Reset Reset all fields and lists to their default selections.
    Search Document Search and review archived documents.
    Search Document Queue Search and review the same type of documents in the queue.