TRAVERSE Global v11.1

GL Transactions Overview

Use the Transactions function to perform these tasks:

To verify unposted transactions, use the Transaction Journals functions to print the GL Journal and the Activity Report. If a transaction is incorrect, use the Edit Transactions function to edit it, then reprint the appropriate journal or report.

Before you use the Transactions functions, set up and verify all codes and IDs.

To record and report a business’s financial activity, follow this procedure:

  1. Enter the General Ledger Journal transactions, and copy the applicable recurring entries to a transactions journal or to the General Ledger Journal.
  2. Print the General Ledger Journal and, optionally, the Activity Report to make sure all of the entries are correct. Edit any transactions that were entered incorrectly. Then print the adjusted General Ledger Journal and the Activity Report as part of your audit trail.
  3. Use the Post to Master function to write your journal entries to the balance of the accounts.
  4. Print a Trial Balance Report to make sure that everything was posted correctly and that both the debits and the credits balance.
  5. When you are sure that everything is correct, produce the financial statements you created in the Statement Layout and Statement Content functions.

If you need to look at general ledger accounts and their history of posted and unposted transactions, use the Transaction View function.