Work Plans

A Work Plan is a template for a job that includes material and labor details for the job, as well as job type, department, and location. A work plan also contains nameplate data for the job, which includes the nameplate fields available, and may also include values for those fields.

When you create a job transaction, you can select a work plan transaction type to quickly load the necessary material and labor details, along with the job type, department, location, and nameplate data.

You can look up work plans using the description, as well as the work plan number.

To create a new work plan:

  1. Click the New button on the toolbar.
  2. The Work Plan No is assigned by the system.
  3. Enter a Description for the work plan.

Use the line item section to add lines to the work plan, including labor, materials, text, or other types of line items.

  • You can drag the line items into a different order, then use the Re-sequence button to save the order.
  • Use the Quick Entry button to select multiple records at once to add to a work plan or job transaction. See Quick Entry for more information.
  • Use the Toggle button () to switch between Summary (grid) view and Detail (field) view.

SAVE your changes.

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