Service Repair Dashboards

Use Dashboards to get a quick overview of particular metrics. Dashboards can be configured as graphs or tables, giving you flexibility in how you want to see the data.

You can find more information about how to work with dashboards in the Dashboard Tutorial in the Traverse Knowledge Base.

Dashboard - Setup

Before you can use the Dashboard application, you must enable the applicable using the procedures outlined below. Follow the process carefully, because the choices you make determine how the system operates.

To enable the Dashboard application, follow these steps:

  1. Click View on the menu bar.
  2. Select Preferences.
  3. Select True from the Show Dashboard field.
  4. Click Save.
  5. Close the Preferences window.
  6. Click View on the menu bar.
  7. Select Dashboard to enable the Dashboard function.

For any of the dashboards, you can expand the object parameters using the toggle button (), which allows you to adjust the Workstation Date field parameter. Refresh the dashboard to display the analysis using a different starting date. Some dashboards also allow you to filter by different field criteria, such as Location ID or Percentage Variance, or sort by such options as 'Work Type', 'Job Type', or 'Department'.

Available SR Dashboards

The following dashboards give you access to planning boards, which allow you to update various data from the dashboards. See the Planning Boards Overview topic for more information.