Job Transactions

Use the Job Transactions function to enter and update job transactions such as quotes, estimate jobs, and approved jobs. You can also use this function to approve estimate jobs, create new job transactions from quotes, change the job status, view the contents of the Job folder, and link a transaction to another job.

You can also generate purchase orders or requisitions for the material line items on the job Estimate tab directly from the job, which results in a linked PO or requisition. This link allows the material to be added to the job detail tab when it is received (provided the PO business rule for transaction linking is set to 'Yes').

Main screen

  • Use the Transaction No drop-down list on the main screen to select a job transaction to work with or create a new job transaction number manually (the job transaction number can be alphanumeric). If you create a new job transaction by using the New button on the toolbar, the system will automatically generate a new transaction number if the Business Rules -- Service Repair business rule is set to Yes.
  • Select a type for the job transaction from the Trans Type drop-down list. The transaction type will determine additional options available for the job, such as a Live button available for a quote, or an Approve button available for an Estimate Job. Once the customer approves the estimate, use the Approve button to change the estimate job to an 'Approved Job'.

    By default, when you enter a new job transaction, the transaction type will be Estimate Job, but you can change it to Quote or Approved Job. Once you start filling in additional information for the job, the Trans Type field is locked. By establishing an estimate for a job, you can compare the estimate and actual costs later using the Estimate vs Actual Job report.

  • If you have completed the final billing for the job transaction, select the Final Billing Complete check box.
  • When the job transaction is invoiced, the Invoice Number and Invoice Amount fields will display that information.
  • If you drop-ship a linked job, and there is a cost difference between the receiving cost and the invoicing cost of that PO, that cost difference will appear on the detail tab of the job transaction. See PO Receiving/Invoicing Cost Difference for more information.

Click a command button on the toolbar to

Select To
Update Unlock fields for editing.
Copy Copy estimate or detail line information from the quote, work plan, historical transaction, or job selected in the Job Type field. See Copy From for more information.
Live Open a pop-up box which will allow you to choose to recalculate costs/prices on the quote, and allow you to create the job transaction as an approved job. The Live button is only enabled if the current transaction type is Quote. See Live for more information.
Approve Change the transaction type to Approved Job. This will also update the Estimate Approved field on the Dates tab. The Approve button is only enabled if the current transaction type is Estimate Job. See Approve for more information.
Un-Approve Change the transaction type to Estimate Job. The Un-Approve button is only enabled if the current transaction type is Approved Job. See Un-Approve for more information.
Job State Change the status of the job. See Job State for more information.
Close Job Close the current job. If you close the job, the job will be marked as Closed. See Close Job (Job Transactions screen) for more information. Once you close the job, you cannot make additional changes to the job state. You can also close jobs if a PO linked to it has any open items.
Link Trans Link the job to other open, approved jobs with the same customer. This will allow you to send out a single invoice for all of the jobs. See Link Transaction for more information.
Exchange Rate Open the Exchange Rate window to select a different rate. Once you choose the rate, click the OK button to return to the main screen.
Print Print reports. The reports available to print are determined by the transaction type. See the Print function for more information.
Tax Integration

Tax Integration has two buttons,

  • The Validate Addressbutton is used to verify the address, then the Valid Address checkbox will be unchecked.
  • The Calculate Tax button is used to calculate the tax for the line items.

Tax Detail

The Tax Detail displays the available items, tax location, and tax amount.

  • For Avalara, the summary will be displayed as Avalara Tax Detail and will include an additional column for the TS Tax Code.

  • If it is not Avalara then it will display as Tax Detail and TS Tax Code is not available.
Payments Review and/or enter external payment information for the customer. If the customer's Payment Method ID on the Defaults tab is set to an external payment processor, saved credit card information will appear in the External Payments screen for the customer.

Note: You cannot add, edit, or delete external CC payment information in the detail grid. You must use the Payments button on the toolbar to open the External Payments screen to perform these actions. However, if you have an EMV (card reader) device available, you can use it to enter a new card when the Use New Card check box is marked.

See the TPS Overview for more information about external payments, as well as some examples.
Job Folder Open the appropriate Job folder for the current job transaction via Windows Explorer. You can set the default job folder location in the Service Repair business rules.

Drag a file from your desktop or other file explorer window and drop it into any part of the open Transactions screen to save the file into the Job folder for the current job. Alternately, you can add files to the folder via the file explorer.
Attachments Enter comments or attach documents relating to this work order. See Attachments for more information. NOTE: These attachments are not available through the Job Folder Attachments link on the Portal Job Information Details page.
Quick Invoice Quick Invoice will be enabled only when you select Yes in business rules. Once user approve and save the data then Quick Invoice button will be enabled. So that user can view as well as update the invoice

Header Section

Detail Section

Use the following command buttons on the menu bar to work with the line items on the job.

Select To
Re-sequence Reset the line sequence numbers if you've dragged the item lines into a different order.
Detail Open a read-only Extended Qty screen displaying additional information for the material, including lot numbers or serial numbers, if applicable. Only available when on the Detail tab and a material item is selected. See Detail for more information.
Ser No Entry (only appears for a serialized item) On the Detail tab, if a serialized material item is posted to the transaction, use this button to view the serial number used in that transaction.
PO Req Generate a linked purchase order or requisition for the material line items. Note: The line items must have a Vendor ID selected in order to be included on the PO/Purchase Requisition. See the Link PO Transaction to SR Job Transaction topic for more information. If the PO business rule for Validate Vendor for Inventory Item is set to 'Yes', you can only select vendors that have been defined under Inventory Vendor Items when creating a PO/Purchase Requisition from Job Transaction.
Quick Entry Open the Quick Entry function to add line items.
Est Complete Set the job status to Estimate Complete.

Use the Toggle button () to switch between grid (summary) view and field (detail) view.

How to change sequence on Estimate Tab

  1. Right click on any of the column on the Estimate tab and click on Column Chooser.

  2. Scroll to the bottom of the Customization list and select Sequence Number. You will see Sequence number column added to estimate tab.

  3. Click on update. Select the item you want to reposition in the list and drag and drop to the position of your choice.

  4. Once done, click on Re-sequence button to change the sequence number.

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