Service Repair Overview

The Service Repair application helps you manage equipment testing, repair, and other services by consolidating technical information, work plans, job plans, and other job information into one module. After you have set up the system, Service Repair tracks your jobs from entry to completion and allows you to record service work, track labor time, and maintain job history. Service Repair also allows you to track failure conditions on incoming jobs. Long-standing records of failure codes provides a look into past repairs, and offers information necessary to inform customers of repeat failure conditions.

You can create Service Repair inspections that guide your technicians through the process of determining whether a repair is necessary, allows technicians to record such items as measurements and readings, and compare those measurements against a tolerance or a go-no go list. Additional details about Service Repair inspections can be found in the Knowledge Base Inspection Tutorial.

Service Repair associates work plans with job types and departments to job transactions for your customers. The job transaction is the heart of the Service Repair system: it records all aspects of a job, from special instructions about a repair to labor and parts used in performing the repair. When the repair is complete, the system maintains the work history, and allows you to use both the nameplate and the customer ID to view service details, identify recurring problems, and maintain inventory.

Service Repair simplifies time management with time clock and time card tools. These tools allow your employees to directly enter their hours from the floor, while still giving you complete control to adjust hours as needed. These functions also allow for an immediate look into ongoing projects and productivity. Utilizing Service Repair to facilitate time management allows for productivity to be measured company wide, as well as single employees.

Service Repair utilizes the Traverse Accounts Receivable application functionality to record invoice and payment information for completed repairs. After posting completed repairs, you can print or reprint invoices and record payment information in Service Repair.

Service Repair can also interface with the Traverse Accounts Payable, Inventory, and Warehouse Management applications to facilitate the issuing, receipt, and costing for parts used for jobs. Service Repair also works with the Payroll application to provide more accurate labor costs. After you post job transactions, you can print or reprint delivery tickets and invoices, and record payment information.

Finally, use the reporting tools to view job, profitability, and productivity information to analyze your business, identify trends, or introduce new types of services. Dashboards are another option for viewing service repair information, as well as updating some data from the dashboards using planning boards.

For a walk-through of Service Repair processes, see the Walk-through topic.

Setup checklist

Before using Service Repair, verify that you have the System Manager, Accounts Receivable, and any other applications you plan to interface with Service Repair set up and running correctly. Refer to the applicable help topics for information on installing, setting up, and verifying information in other Traverse applications.


To set up Service Repair, perform the following tasks:

___ Set up other Traverse applications.

___ Set upInventory Item information.

___ Set up Business Rules.

___ Define Batch Codes.

___ Define Distribution, Priority, Failure, and Lost Reason Codes.

___ Set up Work Schedules.

___ Define Work Types.

___ Define Labor Codes.

___ Set up Departments.

___ Set up Nameplates and Nameplate Lookups.

___ Define Job Type Codes.

___ Set up Job Cards.

___ Define QA Worksheet Detail and Worksheets.

___ Set up Customer Instructions.

___ Enter Work Plans.

___ Set up Part Catalogs.

___ Set Field Security.

___ Set up Accounts Receivable Payment Methods.

___ Set up Accounts Receivable Customers.

___ Set up Payroll or System Manager Employees.

___ Enter outstanding Job Transactions.