
This section will walk through the workflow from entering a new job transaction to creating the invoice and closing the job transaction. This is the most basic process, and does not go into more complex scenarios.

By default, a new job transaction is created as an estimate job. You can change this to a quote or an approved job when you start a new job transaction. The differences are:

  • An estimate job allows you to calculate the approximate cost of the repair. When the customer approves the repair, you can convert it directly into an approved job. You cannot bill an estimate job.
  • A quote allows you to calculate the costs of a proposed repair. If the customer approves the repair, the quote information is transferred to a new job transaction as either an estimate job or an approved job. You cannot consume labor or materials to a quote.
  • If the customer pre-approves the repair, you can enter the job transaction as an approved job.

The advantage of creating an estimate job for each job transaction is that you can later compare the calculated costs of the job transaction to the actual costs when the approved job is complete. This information can help you give your customers more accurate estimates, and allows you to adjust schedules, standard work times, and inventory to meet customer demands.

Basic Scenario:

A customer brings an A/C motor to your shop for repair.

Create the Job

  1. Open the Job Transactions function.
  2. Select the New Record button on the toolbar to start a new job transaction.
  3. If your system automatically generates transaction numbers, the Transaction No field will populate. If you create transaction numbers manually, enter a Transaction No.
  4. The Transaction Type field will be set to 'Estimate Job'.

Add Inspection(s) to the Job

You can add inspections to a job as needed by using the Inspections function. For more information about inspections, see the SR Inspection Tutorial Knowledge Base document.

Add Line Items

Use the Toggle button () to switch between grid (summary) view and field (detail) view.

Print Material Pick Lists

Use the Print Material Pick List function to print a list of materials needed to complete the work for a job transaction.

  1. Open the Print Material Pick List function from the Service Repair Transaction Journals menu.
  2. To include additional descriptions on the material pick list, mark the Additional Descriptions check box.
  3. Select the batch(es) to print. Use the All button to select all batches, or the None button to clear all the check boxes.
  4. Use the command buttons on the toolbar to Print, Output (save), Preview, or Reset the field values.

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Print Job Cards

Use the Print Job Cards function to print QA job cards for a job transaction.

  1. Open the Print Job Cards function from the Service Repair Transaction Journals menu.
  2. Select a job transaction from the Transaction ID drop-down list.
  3. Select the type of Job Cards to print:
    • Select 'Job Card QA' to print the default QA job card in Traverse.
    • Select 'Excel QA Worksheets' to open Excel and print the job worksheet(s) for the selected job transaction.
  4. Mark the Additional Description check box to include additional descriptions on the Job Cards.
  5. Use the command buttons on the toolbar to Print, Output (save), Preview, or Reset the field values.

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Material Charges

Use the Material Charges function to capture materials used for a job transaction. You can also use the Material Charges function to apply credit to the job transaction for material you included on the job transaction, but didn’t use.

Tip: Use the Quick Entry option to view the items already on the estimate job.

To add Material Charges or apply Material Credit to the job, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Material Charges function from the Service Repair Transactions menu.
  2. Select a job transaction from the Job Transaction ID drop-down list.
  3. To add material charges or credits, select the New Record button on the toolbar.
  4. Select a Line Type from the drop-down list.
  5. Select an Item ID from the drop-down list, or enter an item ID for a non-inventory item.
  6. Edit the Location ID and Unit, if necessary.
  7. Enter the Quantity of the item.
  8. Edit the Unit Price, if necessary.
  9. Enter a Reference value, if applicable.
  10. To apply the material charges and/or credits to the job transaction, click the Write button on the toolbar. To wait to apply material charges, click the Save button in the toolbar then use the Write button once you have added all the material charges.

Note: The additional material charges will appear on the Detail tab on the Job Transaction screen. They will not appear on the Estimate tab.

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Labor for the Job

As you work through disassembly and diagnosis of a piece of equipment, and as you perform repair work, you can add labor to the job.

Time Clock

Enter Time Clock information for Job Transactions using the Time Clock function.

  1. Open the Time Clock function from the Service Repair Transactions menu.
  2. Select an employee from the Employee ID drop-down list.
  3. Select a Schedule IDfrom the drop-down list.
  4. If you are starting a job, select 'Start Job' as the Entry Type. If you are closing a job and not starting another one, select 'Close Job' as the Entry Type.
  5. Select the Job Number from the drop-down list.
  6. Select the Labor Code to which you want to apply the labor time.
  7. Click the Add Job button on the toolbar.

When you clock into the next labor code for the job, you may get a notification message asking if the work type is complete for the job. This will happen when you clock out of a work type that exists on the job transaction. Answer the question as required: if the work type is complete, click Yes; otherwise, click No.

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Time Card

Use the Time Card function to enter or edit time card information for employees before the house are posted.

  1. Open the Time Card function from the Service Repair Transactions menu.
  2. Select an employee from the Employee ID drop-down list.
  3. Select the New Record button on the toolbar to add a new time record.
  4. Select a Job Transaction ID from the drop-down list.
  5. Select a Labor Code from the drop-down list.
  6. Enter the number of Hours for the labor code.
  7. Select a Rate Type for the hours from the drop-down list.
  8. Select an Earning Code from the drop-down list.
  9. Edit the Unit Cost, Unit Price, or Date, if necessary.
  10. Enter a value into the Reference field, if applicable.
  11. Click the Save button in the toolbar to save any changes you have made.

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Keep an eye on job progress

Use these tools to monitor jobs:

  • Job Tracking View: Use the Job Tracking View function to follow the progress of a job transaction through to completion. You can view the job status, the last work type completed on the job transaction, the current work type, and the next work type for the job transaction, along with the associated dates. You can also see the percentage of the job that is complete.
  • Service Repair Dashboards: Use the Service Repair Dashboards to get a quick overview of active job transactions, job estimate to actual variance, and job tracking.

Update the Job Schedule

When work types are completed, use the Update Job Tracking function.

  1. Open the Update Job Tracking function from the Service Repair Scheduling menu.
  2. Select a Job Transaction ID from the drop-down list. The work types assigned to the job transaction job type will appear.
  3. Note: The job type assigned to a job transaction must have work types listed on the Schedule tab in the Job Type Codes maintenance function in order for them to appear in the grid.
  4. If necessary, edit the Complete Date.
  5. For each Work Type you want to mark completed, select the check box in the Select column. Notice that if you answered 'Yes' to the notification prompt in the Time Clock entry screen about work type completion, those work types are already marked complete.
  6. Click the Schedule button on the toolbar. A notification dialog box will appear when the update is complete. The complete date for the selected work types will be set to the date appearing in the Date field.
  7. Note: If the complete date for a selected work type is not blank when the Schedule button is clicked, the complete date will be cleared.

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Additional Job Processes

  • Quality Assurance: Use the Job Card QA Entry function to record inspection and testing data for a job transaction’s work types.
  • Print Quick Delivery Tickets: When the work is complete, use the Print Quick Delivery Tickets function to print the quick delivery tickets for billing transactions. You might use a quick delivery ticket when you want to get a repaired motor out the door quickly. You may not have created an estimate job with material and labor lines because the repair was brought in and returned so quickly.
  • Print the Time Clock and Time Card Journals: Use the Time Clock Journal and Time Card Journal to calculate and view employee hours. Print the journals before you post transactions to verify your entries.
  • Post Time Clock Entries: Use the Post Time Clock Entries function to post hours calculated from time clock entries. Note: Hours from closed or on-hold job transactions will not be posted. Re-open or release the job transaction to post hours for the job.
  • Print the Material Charges Journal: Use the Material Charges Journal to calculate and view material charges for job transactions. Print the journal before you post transactions to verify your entries.
  • Post Transactions: When you Post Transactions, the system updates job transaction history for the job transactions that are being closed.

Billing Process

  • Prepare Billings: Prepare Billings for a group of approved jobs that are open. This will bill your customers for the work done and parts used on job transactions.
  • Edit Billings: If necessary, you can use the Edit Billings function to make adjustments to the billings before printing delivery tickets or invoices. You can also print delivery tickets and invoices from the Edit Billings function.
  • Print Delivery Tickets: Use the Print Delivery Tickets function to print delivery tickets for billing transactions.
  • Print Invoices: Use the Print Invoices function to print invoices for billing transactions.
  • Print the Daily Sales Tax Journal: Print the Daily Sales Tax Journal for an additional audit trail. The Daily Sales Tax Journal shows taxes collected and owed and is organized by tax location.
  • Print the Billing Journal: Print the Billing Journal as part of your audit trail for billing transactions. If you have used the Edit Billings function to make changes to billing transactions, reprint the Billing Journal to record these changes.
  • Print the Billing Cost Journal: Print the Billing Cost Journal as an audit trail of the billing cost transactions in Service Repair.
  • Post Billings: When you Post Billings, the system updates General Ledger, Accounts Receivable History, and Accounts Receivable Open Invoices.
  • Close Jobs: Use the Close Jobs function to finalize material and labor additions to the job transaction up to a chosen date.

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